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Saturday, November 26, 2011

In Other News...

Last saturday i met up with a very old friend (i dont mean age wise).This guy was my first boyfriend at age 5 and we did alot of stupid things that kids our age should not have been doing or have known.He gave me my first kiss and my many other firsts that i had forgotten and having dinner with him was a trip down memory lane that i only get to take with my sister.
We were five best of friends from childhood.2 boys and 3 girls.To make it easier we will name them.There was Karo,Joey and myself were the girls and Mash and King were the guys.I remember having a wedding with someone as pastor and getting married to King (i think i have a thing for marriage and wedings) and Joey was the best maid.Joey was closest to me in age as the difference in our ages was about a month.She was my diary and partner in crime.She would be the look out for us when King and I would be hiding in the chicken house making out (all this when i was between 5-7)and she was a sister to me.Karo and Mash were close to each other in age.King was about 2 years older than me.Those were good times and we were close then.I moved to Mombasa to stay with my mum but we never drifted till we were older and we had to go through shit to grow up.I lost touch with all of them till i came out that i was GAY and PROUD and King came out of the woodworks to give me a preaching and i never talked to him again till last Saturday.I had a couple of glasses of wine and talked about all the bad stuff in my life over the years (yes i know,i did it again) and tried to gauge his reason for coming back and if it was long term or just for the moment.I always tell people all the bad about me and let them take their time to know the good,after all,am looking for friends who wont judge or think am a waste of their time,energy and efforts.He reminded me about a couple of episodes in my life that i had forgotten about,like when we played doctor nurse and what we were really doing was making out.That was the day we went to the toilet together to make out and my uncle came to knock and was standing outside waiting for me to get out and i couldnt...Oh!!!the memories!I think i need to go back to my childhood and start over!So this unit of friends,i got an update on all of them.Joey is in university,Karo is in the States and not doing so well for herself and has a baby girl (they always said i would be the one to get a baby first,oh well!Mash is doing well and works for the media and King opened his own car business.Hearing all this,i felt that i was on the right track.It's funny how when your growing you think that the friends you have are going to be there forever yet every pase of life comes with new friends,new antics ,new tricks and games!All in all,i realised that old friends are there to remind you where you were and make you see where you are,but they most definately dont show you where you are going.Oh weel,i guess its all for the best.

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