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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Losses,Disappointments and Lessons

This has been one very long week for so many of us but we thank the heavens that we lived to see it come to an end.
I have written and re-written this post so many times trying to figure the best way to put some of the things i want to say down in writing has proven to be hard but lets hope this comes out right.
I want to take this chance to ask that before you continue reading this, take a moment of silence to remember 2 sisters that are mourning their dads. My condolences to you and your families in this great time of sorrow. Losses are hard to bear, some more so than others. Whatever it is that you might need, am here to help. Think of me as Best Ed, without all the fucking up. I love you girls and am here for you. You are in my and our extended family(s) prayers.
I had quite the most humiliating evening recently when people i thought had respect and common sense took their time to embarrass each other and the rest of us in absentia at a shopping complex in the CDB. Now ladies, this is not going to be a drama updating post, its a let's not forget we represent the community in everything that we do post. Tato, Deciey and Tash, the next time you decide to sort out your differences or slap and push each other around, try and find a more private arena. Showing the world at large how little we think of each other makes them think less of us. And what's more upsetting is that you  acted like bullies in a playground. What happened to acting your age not your shoe size? But since Deciey did make a valid point, maybe we all need to be reminded that to every action/word spoken there will be a reaction so if you say it, you best be ready to deal with it. And another thing, all of you need to do some serious growing up (keeping in mind it has nothing to do with age) before respect is lost for good.That having been said, I love all of you but you need to step up before this gets out of hand.
Moving on swiftly to other affairs, my fun filled days with the woman with no name have come to a drastic yet painless end. I say painless because I didn't have time to dwell on it, (yeah right!) I was busy with Beauty and Ms. Bellz not to mention mummy issues that never seem to end. So now i find myself with all these questions about her that am glad have come too late. The questions aside, am happy she is happy but damn! will I miss the mind blowing sex...(maybe I could...hmmm)
Which leads me to my very selfish tendencies as put by Beauty. She and Clara brought it to my attention that every time I want woman I go after her like my life depends on it and am inconsiderate of all others who want her too, friends and foes alike. Coming from my friends I felt they were being too harsh, but an incident was brought to my attention that sort of proved them right...The day i met Joy, she was on a date with Beauty and as luck should have it, I have not lost my memory. That evening I was tipsy and freaky by the time her date was over, I was sure I had Joy right where I shouldn't. That was so selfish right? In light of the recent developments, I have decided to be a better person and avoid slicing people (even though I don't seem to have a clue when am doing it) and stay away from women who are spoken for (these women put the NA in NASTY for me) except perhaps the woman with no name (in the spirit of being daft/foolish, i will admit i like and want her) She is different. The day she told me no more sex (sob) :'( i had the urge to throw a tantrum because i had been trying to convince myself i could step up and actually hit on her but that was that so i guess it wasn't meant to be. No hard feelings...Plus I met someone i think might be worth the while if I play my cards right and forget to be me for a while ;-)
In other news, am seriously contemplating moving to Narok. It has been a while since i went anywhere and fell in love with it and this place has all the things i desire. Its beautiful, hilly and it comes alive at night from deep within me like that part of me that was missing and i didn't know it was. Yet in the same breath i think its because it reminds me of Ntinda and how every time i looked around me in the dead of night i felt at peace with myself. Maybe this is what i need to do? I will think on that for a while.

Is it any less of love/feelings if you are willing to share the person you love/have feelings for?

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