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Monday, February 13, 2012

Exes that need to FUCK OFF!

I love weekends of late because its when all the madness in lezville seems to come out.This was one of those weekends that you wish you could erase particular parts of...Starting with Gorgeous and Dr. Love,girlfriend i wish i had a memory eraser then maybe it would be easier for all of us.Friday i hung out with Gorgeous (at some point of the night when i was already drunk and couldn't stop smiling and laughing...i can only imagine what a sight i must be),then went back to Brew Bistro to hang with MWa and BB and a group of people i think are just out of this world (Thanks for making my Friday) and left at some point to go home (still no recollection of any of this),woke up on Saturday with a killer highness (not hangover) and had to go to work but i screwed up by getting stoned at 11am after which i fell asleep till 3 and woke up in a panic to go to work.Worked till 10pm,was supposed to go out and find Gorgeous  and Co. but i didn't have the energy so i went home,downed a bottle of whisky over stories about sex and experiences that could make any virgin think it would be safest to become a nun and of course the usual gossip with my aunt and her friend (She moved back from Uganda n i have sort of moved in with her).I woke up on Sunday feeling so good about myself and ready to face whatever came my way till i called Gorgeous and she gave me some vibe that seriously pissed me off...This now brings me to the title of this post.
Dr. Love has proven to be an egotistical asshole with very little to commend her for (I would hate to lie and say she ever did,but this has just gone a step further).For the longest time Dr. Love you had this amazingly beautiful and intelligent woman wrapped around your little finger and you had all the authority to do whatever the fuck u wanted to with and to her.If it was cheating you did even with people so close to her it felt awkward for her but still she stayed.You had women some of whom you shoved in her face and at some point she went into seclusion because you did not like or even approve of her friends (the irony is we didn't approve of you either).You beat her up a couple of times and still she stayed (the things women do for love).Then you still chose another woman over her and your relationship came to an END (in case your as slow as a couple of us think you are,this means you are no longer in a relationship with her.She is not your wife or woman or even girlfriend!!!).Yet on Saturday you actually had the audacity to hit her and push her around?!? Are you just stupid or retarded too?Or maybe ur just an asshole that doesn't know what you had and its value (just to make sure you know,she has suitors knocking left right and center).What annoys me more is that you did all this because you think she is finally breaking the celibacy state that you induced on her(Key word here being THINK).And am just wondering,how is it any of ur p's and q's who she is screwing?Aren't you screwing the one you left her for?And if you are not,isn't that your loss because you left?!?the more i think about you the more i feel like you need a whupping and a half.So this is an advance warning,If you ever lay another finger on her we will deal with you...This message comes to you from 20 very angry lesbians who think you are full of crap! Gorgeous we love you and we got your back!!!!

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