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Thursday, February 9, 2012


Am not good with apologies at all and most especially when i have to apologise to someone i went out of my way to cross because of my insecurities,but i realise am much worse at taking apologies.But seeing as am not one to let sleeping dogs lie,am going to take a deep breath and say am sorry to a girl that i told to fuck off yet i had never met her.Sometimes listening to other people's opinions really affects your judgement but this was not one of those circumstances,it was just me looking for someone to throw my frustrations at.Its true,she did cross my path (or maybe i crossed her path) truth is relative and is not shared by all across the board so much as i know this might never be enough and maybe might not have a very good reaction,am sorry.I was a bitch and i realise it.Maybe she is not all gold and good, but she has something in her that i cant describe.When i met her, i got the same feeling i got when i met Beauty but this was still different (feelings are so hard to explain).In another life maybe we could have been friends and i can truly say it would not have been bad at all,but apparently it just wasn't to happen in this life (if it happens,it happens i guess,but not likely).Don't get me wrong,she is amazing in her own way (aren't we all?).A woman who has been hurt and woken up to the reality that somethings just happen and they sting,but life goes on.Every woman needs a friend like that.It will never be all rosy,but when it is/was it was/is good but when the pain creeps up on you and makes you feel like you don't have it in you to go on you need one of those friends there to remind you it is never that bad.I might not be a professional and i would hate to claim that i have seen her at her worst and best,because i haven't,but i have seen what her worst did to her and where she is now.Am sorry i ever thought i hated you.You are really amazingly strong and have a good heart (until crossed,but then again,so does every woman)I apologised in person but i felt i had to write it.Am sorry i never got to know you!

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