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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Revelations and acknowledgements

Its been so long since i let the things people say get to me but i guess part of the reason why so many people cross our paths is for them to have an input.Maybe i thought i had grown up but it turns out there is no end to growth and revelations.
I went to a house party a couple of weeks ago and i had a blast (sort of).My social skills dont seem to be improving much especially since i started being such a loner.I have been spending so much time alone that am beggining to hate the sound of my own voice(yes,am still talking to myself and laughing at my own jokes) but i recently decided i need to start hanging out with other people and what a coincidence that i started with old friends that i lost touch with (am bad with communication but most of my friends think am just a snob...far from it...although to some degree i am) and during this particular party i had a bottle of whisky with me (i love my whisky) and i was not going to let anything keep me from drinking and having fun so you can just imagine my shock when i got there and i could not for the life of me bring myself to have a conversation with anyone (atleast not one that i initiated) and i immediately set out to find an excuse to leave before i felt out of place.I should have known all it took was time because i got to meet some really awesome people.Sucre and Andy...ladies that i didnt know before then (i mean face to face) and i got to hear some criticism for my blog face to face and i have to admit Sucre had a point.Thanks Girl,i will definitely make this year the year that you get to hear all the dirty little secrets that i have been so good at keeping.As i was saying before my train of thought got diverted,i met some really amazing women and had enough alcohol in my system to keep me happy for a while till one of the hosts of the party said they would introduce me to a really hot girl and they hoped i was going to get laid...The girl i was introduced to was hot no doubt (physically all that i would want...) but i just couldnt bring myself to think a single sexual thought about this girl.I must be like the wierdest lesbian around because i seem to have a problem with physical perfection on the women i screw.Then Brooke was there and i got acting all interested in the girl i really didnt want in the first place and telling myself that i was going to go after this girl jus to make sure Brooke did not stand a chance yet i still could not for the life of me do it (clearly my cock blocking for my bro has become pussy blocking) but the true reason why i didnt want that particular girl is because i had my eyes on another that i just couldnt help but watch from afar yet didnt make a single move towards.(i like to think of myself as a cheetah when am hunting,i need to watch my prey,gather facts about them then go on a full out wolf in sheepskin attack...thats one way of looking at it)But as the night wore on i still didnt gather enough to go after this girl (Yes, am still in a relationship with Bella)so i gave up only to see her again recently (if ever there was a woman i wanted a 1 night stand with, this right here would have been the girl) but it turns out she is dating someone else who is even ,more trouble than i am(lets call her Bubble Butt) .(Lezville has such complicated and cylindrical drama that everything is connected).I had a drink with an old friend some days ago and the day we met for the drink, she had drama that had something to do with Bubble Butt (am really not that good at keeping up with all the drama sorrounding people's lives but this was of interest to me because the friend i was having a drink with is one of few men (i call her a man because she says she is one...key word here is SHE) that i would most probably help to cheat on their girlfriends (i havent yet but if this goes the way i think it will,i most definitely will).So there i was trying to enjoy my drink whe the drama comes to the table (madam, i dont appreciate it when people spoil my drinking time) in the name of miss girlfriend.Now,a couple of days later i went out for another drink with the same old friend (to make up for the one that was spoilt) and we had a long and very constructive talk that left alot to be discovered (i really think i need to stay away from all these novels am reading about death that have me thinking that maybe,just maybe i need to live large and enjoy all the things i want...I can smell a storm brewing and i dont think this storm will be good...but then again,its not like i have much of a reputation now so i guess its about time to jump into the fire!) and discovery was made because i can recall a phonecall in the middle of the night from a strange number asking me questions about us that i didnt even think anyone would get such a though in their minds about me and her/him and thats when i decided that since the idea was planted in my head,maybe i really should just take what am offered and run with it.After all,sex is just sex right?btu seriously, the girl that is acting all threatened by me (i think its an act)is like seriously hot so am flattered that she thinks i could be competition!!!....Back to the house party, i met so many great minds at,it was fun and a big shout out to Kitney Kit, that was a great party and am sorry i didnt stay till it was over!
As far as revelations are concerned, i have quite a few i would like to make but am so caught up right now scheming so i will leave it to when i have more time on my hands and alot more brain capacity to tell the story as it should be told!

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