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Monday, January 16, 2012

Linen...clean and dirty!

I have managed to avoid dealing with all this shananigans about me on as far as i know 4 blogs and so far so good, but today i think i got pushed too far by someone who is on my friends list (i dont know you but am not so sure i like you right now...not that it matters anyway) but this woman on my friends list sees a photo i posted and asks the friend on that photo if they are gay and i didnt mind that because i kknow it happens all the time then goes ahead to in her words give her a subtle piece of advice.She tells her about the blog by Le Word (yes i read it,i think i was amongst the first people to read it because i have angels that look out for me and i did not let it get to me but this woman who doesnt know me or doesnt even have all the facts wants to talk about it???How now do you do that?
I have never made it a secret that i dont wear panties (reasons are for those who ask and have a valid reason for asking)if you dont like it fuck off,am not your child or your wife so deal with it!!!!I think i made it very clear what happened between Prince and I on this very blog but since you brought up the issue of me on record,i think you also need to know that we Prince has the recording,i did not make it a secret to her and she also knows that had i wanted to milk her dry,i would have a house in Karen under my name and my account would be pretty fat from her pocket,but i can honestly say that anything she gave me i splurged on anyone who was there when i had it.The one person who has the facts in regards to the issue of prince and i is myself and her and even she has a major problem with reality in that regard.Do not delude yourself that you know it all because girlfriend,you don't.If you want the story,ask me not some woman who lives in the shadows.As for Todo Sobre and her charts,i have nothing to hide,it bothers me that she put it up but its never been a secret in Lezville who fucks who and i have never deluded myself that it is.I dont even think anyone in Lezville does.My biggest problem is when she brings in the guys.I have screwed men,is that a miracle?NO!!!Yes i did and i had my reasons to,but you cannot come out of some woodwork and think you can suddenly make a judgement and impose it on me.Go Fuck yourself you stupid little imbecile!!!!You dont know me and i dont know you.Do you see me interfering in your life????I dont make a point to so stay out of mine!And another thing, if you must know, come to the source, i have nothing to hide ;-)

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