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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Happy new year indeed to all and sundry.I have been M.I.A for a while,my apologies,i have just had a very busy time running around trying to relax and enjoy myself without dying in the process.Its been a crazy time for me and alot has happened that i have wanted to write about but i really dont want to hurt anyone by putting their shit here (maybe i should say i didn't) because i talked to someone whose opinion i treasure and they reminded me what this blog is about.The caption under the name of my blog says, '...a look into my life as a lesbian and the people that have crossed my path...' That's exactly what i have done so far and much as i would love to change it i will not.So am definitely back...INDEFINITELY!!!
Where to start from???...The last i wrote i met an old friend and since then,well,i have had a fall out with one of my closest friends,contemplated going straight,done some really stupid and retarded things so i will try and start from that far back.
I met a guy and his name is Michael some months ago when Hawk and I used to hang out alot and in a moment of weakness being very wasted,i let the attention go to my head and i went out of my way to actually get this boy seriously interested in me.He is an amazing guy (nothing like all the other assess i have had the great displeasure of meeting and he managed to really make me like him but that didnt get us anywhere (atleast it didnt get me anywhere)I havent seen him since then and except for the occasional phone calls we haven't really talked except recently....but i will get back to that.
December was a drinking month for me and BB and i had mad fun all month,together and apart.Considering all the alcohol i consumed that month,my memory is abit sketchy but i will try and piece the story together.BB and I convinced our brother Mwa to join us on an escapade to watch Chris Martin performing and we had a blast...as we always do!!!And we were all pretty happy so a couple of days later i went over to beauty's place and had alot of fun getting drunk and trying to get social with her again (i seem to have lost it where she is concerned) and something unexpected happened (i really want to tell you what happened but i think imagination is necessary in some of these situations)and i went home very hangovered.And i had to go to our office party where Mwa, BB and i got so wasted and i gave my boss's girlfriend (i think she is a gold digging whore and it has nothing to do with that she is dating my boss,its just that in swahili we say, 'kibaya chajiuza,kizuri chajitembeza') a piece of my mind then proceeded to tell my boss how frustrating it was working for him in 2011 (bad idea but it was necessary) after which i fell into a flower bed and ended up with scratches and scars all over my body and a crappy ass hangover the next day.That was such a pathetic morning!!!!Not to mention it was on the 23rd and i only felt better on christmas eve which is when i went home!Now,about christmas...oh my,i forgot something...while at the Chris Martin concert we happened to be sitting next to some girl with a booty that just begged 'SPANK ME' and unknown to us,she was there with her boyfriend.Mwa and i love chics so this one really caught our attention and so Mwa decided to bully her (just abit...more playfully than harmful am trying to translate chokoza) and she got all moody and her boyfriend came to the rescue.That was funny because her boyfriend was none other than DJ Kaytrixx.Anyone who knows him knows that he is thin and can actually be defined as scrawny and Mwa is a big guy and nothing ca intimidate him.That was so funny...definitely looking forward to 2012!!!Now back to Christmas which was spent in church with my mother,my aunt (she is back from Uganda yaaaay!!!),my sis and a bunch of people that i barely see because i dont go to church anymore (thats because they have so many negative things to say against the LGBTI and muslims).On 26th i had a party at my house for my cousin and i drank so much whisky and got to hang out with my family and drink with them and get totally wasted and after that i think i drank everyday till the 2nd of January.Although i have alot to say about the time between the 30th - 2nd,i think i need to unwind with a bottle of whisky!

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