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Monday, December 3, 2012

For my Domina

Is she any less of my Domina because she doesn’t call me her slave?
Is acknowledgement by words or by actions?
Does a Domina not know when she has a slave?
Or does the slave have to point it out to the master?

To go through life constantly searching
For that significant half of yourself
The ying to your yang, the bitter to your sweet
At what point does one know they have found IT?

I met a woman
A mother, a child, a sister, a friend
In her arms I found completeness
In her home I found slavery

Many men have fought to be free
None of them found it sweet
But I want to go into slavery
But only at my Domina’s feet

My Domina demands the best from me
And grants the best to me.
As a slave, do I mind sharing her affection?
I do, but what slave who loves their master
Would ever dare to go against them?

My Domina owns and controls me,
She doesn’t say it, but she shows it
All she has to do is say the word
And I shall be on my knees ready to receive it.

A slave is to do their masters bidding
Even when the bid makes no sense
And the words tear apart and decapitate
A master is always head and the slave the neck
None can exist without the other

My Domina induces, soothes and protects me from pain
Her every stroke a kindling of my fires
Her protection and soothing demeanor is my saving grace
Can any slave ask for a better master?

My domina owns me but she doesn’t know it
Her anger and frustration are my drive
Her unfailing courage and strength my anchor
Her every desire my wish and command.

My Domina knows not she has a slave in me
She neither uses nor abuses me (but she does humiliate me)
And sometimes neglects my very existence
She marked me as her own but now doesn’t remember.

I am your slave
I live to serve and grant all your commands
I have no desire to leave your side and find another
Will you leave me unused and untended
Like the dying embers of a deserted camp fire?
Shall I heat the branding iron
That your mark of ownership may be stamped on my forehead?
I do not wish to die a slave with no master,
Nor continue to live without the joy of serving you
I only wish to do as you wish me to do
To be one of the many would be better
Than to be none at all.
No special requests, just that you love me like the rest
If I prove to be the best
I will still desire to only serve at your feet
If I can’t be the best,
I will strive not to detest
But to keep giving you my best.
Master, I beg that you may grant
My entry into your service
For what is a slave without a master?
And what is a master without a good enough slave?

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