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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Borrowed leaf

I will borrow a leaf from a man that knew not what he was searching for or whether he would find it for in my own mind, I search for what I desire but cannot identify it with any great aplomb. Every man seeks his portion in this life and strives to find it. Some manage to find it and others spend all their lives claiming to seek that which they claim to know but have not the faintest clue about.  It’s a sad state of affairs to be plagued in life by desires that one cannot put their finger on but an even worse one to go about not claiming anything for oneself and still believing that ones purpose in life is going to be achieved. Are purposes set out by man or by God I have asked myself many a time to no great avail of answers or loud and annoying assurances that they define themselves yet still I watch my fellow man arise every morning to pursue a goal. Have our purposes in life been so distorted as to be an act of charity or are we just so self absorbed that acts of charity do not qualify to be purposes? Is it in me alone that the desire to do good for all mankind while in essence doing good for myself remains the greatest purpose of living? Or is it that my mind is so corrupted by the desire to do good for others that I have forgotten the individuality of the self? Am, I truly achieving anything in this life by living like a pauper and giving everything I have to charity? Or is achievement measured by what I keep for myself while all the time forgetting my duty to my fellow man? Is there truly a balance between charity and self progress? Can any one man say that he has found the balance and if so, how?
Does having answers to all the questions mean an end of the great search in this life? And in this age of Google, shouldn't all the answers be readily available? How is it that no matter how many answers we get in life we still have more questions? And how come sometimes we have the answers but the questions fail us? Is it that man is just never satisfied? And, if so why? And if he is ever satisfied, why does he still strive for more?
I have asked myself these questions over and again still seeking answers and the answers I find at times are not satisfactory, but this man from whom I borrow a leaf tells me that the desire and pursuit of the whole is love. For love in itself is patient, kind, understanding, non-judgmental and void of all negativity. Love is the beginning and end to all for if every man loves his brother as he loves himself he has no reason to do ill to his brother or seek any form of injustice against his brother. He has no reason to deny his brother that which makes him happy. But that is not the case considering we all want something that can’t be had at some point in our lives. Does this make us bad? He says no it doesn't because every man is prone to fault and every man falls short of the expectations of all mankind and sometimes his maker and those he loves most. Is it he that should be named as bad or those around him who find every opportunity to condemn him in the name of correcting him? Does correction really have to come with so much pain and discord? Is man playing God by choosing to punish his brother? Or is man entitled being the self proclaimed ‘smartest animal’ to deliver punishment to his fellow man? Is karma enough or do men have to help it along? Is mankind so full of self made power that he has forgotten his duty and mandate is towards his fellow man?

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