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Monday, September 24, 2012

Apologies, Mistakes and awesome weekend tales

Well, this is one of those posts that i dread writing but am one for fairness and equality in all matters.
I wrote a post "exes that need to fuck off" because of something Gorgeous told me and i took her word for it not bothering to speak to Dr. Love first. Don't get me wrong, am not apologizing for giving my opinion of her, am apologizing for not bothering to get her side of the story. As Dr. Love put it, Gorgeous seriously had it coming. Am not saying its right to hit a woman, but when the woman in question keeps pushing her luck, it is bound to happen (this is where i re-phrase what i said to Tato, Every action...has a reaction). And according to Dr. Love, she did not raise a finger to hit her, she just grabbed her and asked for an explanation. Oh well, the reason why i had to listen to what Dr. Love had to say is because i have taken the last couple of months to evaluate Gorgeous and i have found her wanting in matters of friendship and love. This is just my opinion and i think am entitled to one, loyalties as far as this girl is concerned are non existent. We are not friends if you have nothing positive to say about me behind my back so why bother pretending we are? Anyway, back to Dr. Love, Am very sorry I listened and passed judgement before i got your side of the story especially because at that time even i knew my friendship with Gorgeous had been dead and buried for so long because i didn't trust her. That was wrong and immature of me but i still think its not right that you think laying your hands on a woman in a manner likely to imply violence is very smart or even feminist of you.
Apologies aside, i had an awesome weekend with Ms. Bellz, Beauty, Jay, Clara, Kare and Fabian. We had lunch at Ms. Bellz house on Saturday and talked as well as got drunk and to crown the night, we went for the first ever oil wrestling competition.
The picture cant even do the show justice. It was off the hook and just the most amazing thing ever. We had fun then went out clubbing. I love dancing and i think we all do because the amount of time any of us spent seated was minimal.
Sorry to take you back just abit, but I would like to go back to Friday. We went drinking with Dr. Love and had mad fun dancing the night away Am beginning to go back to my formative years in the clubbing scene when all i did was dance. Sometimes its advisable to let yourself grow down. But for you to do that, at least mature enough to know when your doing it.
My awesome weekend aside, am off to wake Beauty up, probably head to the Centre tomorrow and maybe make progressive steps towards this love thing that i have been singing about for so long.
Have a lovely Monday my beauties and lets remember to give thanks at the end of this day.

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