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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How about that?

It’s time. Yes it is, I have been quiet in all aspects of my life, not that am going through anything, but I needed time to adjust to the changes I have made in my life.
The greatest change so far has to be that I had a BABY! A beautiful bundle of joy that makes my heart constrict and my lips explode into a smile every time I think of her. She is truly the apple of my eye and I would move the solar system if she needed me to.
Changes…yeah, great changes. I was in an amazing relationship for about 20months with a great man who I thought understood me fully and I was in the best of places in my life. He knew all about my past and was okay with whom I was and who I was trying to be. Sadly, that came to tragic a end and am sort of on the rebound. I use sort of because I can’t truly say that it is a rebound, am doing really well, maybe because for the first time in my adult life I have left a relationship with my heart intact and my eyes wide open. This is what all breakups should be like. Am ready to take my time and incorporate my baby in my choices. I had so many concerns before I left him, I do not want my daughter to not know her father and knowing the kind of man he is, he will not let that happen (I hope he does not for both their sakes). I was worried he would not understand my choice to leave and regain my own power over my life. He’s taking it better than expected and is being a trooper. Even when I act like a bitch, (some things never change) he takes it in stride and brushes it off. He could be emotional and that would remind me so much of myself in my formative years in situations where I did not feel loved, cherished or appreciated. This is probably why I made this very hard decision. I was not sure I wanted to be in a relationship with someone just because we have a child together. We love her to bits but we had lives before she was born and now that she is about to turn a year, I thought it was time I went back to my spacious cocoon and continued to find myself. However, so far so good. I am in a good and happy place. He is still my best friend (no, he is not replacing anyone) and he makes my day better when it is bad and great when it is good. I love him, but am not in the market for a man. I think 20 months with one has shown me that a leopard never changes its spots; it just finds better grounds to camouflage. I have tried to verbalize in my mind all the questions that people could ask me, like why did I have a baby with him. In addition, I find that when I try to answer, it comes out all wrong (he asked this question too when I ended it) but here is the best I can do in terms of an explanation. I met this man when I was trying to get over a woman who I had but did not truly have. I wanted her to own me but she was too comfortable in her lifestyle and I did not want to put into words all the things that were going through my mind. I used him in the beginning and was really enjoying myself but I thought it best not to take things too far before I was sure I still did not want to moon over the woman I wanted. I got an opportunity to test myself and when I was done, I knew for sure, there was no hope for a future with her. I then embarked on a freedom spree with him, which led to my pregnancy. I was not ready to get an abortion especially after how bad I wanted a baby two years earlier. I chose to have this baby and to be real; it is my proudest choice so far. When I held her in my arms, I thought I would die from joy. God has been good to us.
About singlehood…where should I start? It has been a ride to say the least. Everything seems to be under a different light. The glow of being alone is strange. I hold my breath sometimes when I feel like I should run back into his arms just to not be alone. Then I remember that I need to make it on my own. If my daughter is ever to see me as a woman in my own right, she needs to see that I did all I could to make myself happy. In my happiness is her happiness. A happy home is only as happy as the people inside it. Am I searching? Perhaps that is not the appropriate term, am more of browsing. I now know what I want and so far, I am yet to find it. Beauty is not all it’s about. I have met a couple of women I have interest in, just not sure what kind of investment am willing to make in them. I want to have mind-blowing orgasms and fantasies that will leave me panting from a woman. Just good sex for the time being, after all the relationships I have been in, I think its time for a serious break. The only relationship I want is with my daughter.
As far as updates go, that is about as much as I am actually willing to disclose of the months I have been in hibernation.
More recently though, I had a one night stand that was really something else. Maybe the person who contributed to it happening was my main agenda but I was not disappointed with what I got. How badly I want to go into details…but this all  Image result for pg 13  I can’t promise the next post will be the same but let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.

See you soon meus queridos. It feels GREAT to be BACK!

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