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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How far we've come..

Looking back,i cant believe its been just a year since i started this blog..Happy birthday to it,and cheers to the progress i have made this far.To say am proud of me would be an understatement.I have never sat to read all the blog posts i have written but i know each one and the milestones each one has marked in my life.Its been a learning process and as i am not a writer,i think a pat on the shoulder is in order.
When i started this blog,i didnt think it would last 2 months but everytime i sat to write(minus when i had the mind block...which was often) i always felt a sense of contentment spread over me.The stats have also been a great help in getting me to write too,so thank you all who have read this blog.I know sometimes i have posts that make you want to cry out of boredom,but i will try and work on them (again am deviating...yes, i do notice.).
When i started writing this blog,it was to try and get my mind off alot that was going on in my life at that time and i found writing distracted me long enough to stop being so selfish.I will not deny that i also wanted a place to whine about D (i did,desperately) to say how much i loved her and write about all my hopes of her ever coming back,but this really made me see reality.When i wrote my first post,i remember Prince (I cant for the life of me think of any other name to give her as her name is so out of the question,she is a drama queen and i dont want or need drama) had asked me to marry her and i was going to do it because i didnt want to be alone or lonely.Prince adored me and i knew it,who doesnt like having someone in their lives who adores them?I was in heaven because she wanted to give me the world and i said yes to a second marriage in one year (i think i said yes because at that time,D had told me we were going to work things out...then about a week later she told me she was going straight (talk about confusion) then started dating a girl that i knew (to be honest,i saw that one coming long before it did) and i thought i had gotten my heart broken enough to run into hiding in the arms of someone who adored me).If memory serves me right,that was a disaster and a very bad idea.I knew Prince for 3 years before i finally said yes to her.After the first year of knowing her (she would call a good friend of mine a thousand times a day saying she loves her and i tried to save my friend from he...bad charitable notion,but i have nobody to blame but myself...and she asked me for my number and she started calling me everyday,talking to me for hours each day and saying she loves me and for a time i was very into her)she came for a visit and proposed marriage and i said yes,then i met D and i knew she was the woman for me so i called it off with Prince and that did not go down well.The next visit she made,we were just friends and got along fine the D started treating me really bad (more like a retard...i blame myself for letting her) and she came to my rescue and offered me a way out that i grabbed.Then D heard about it and didnt try to talk me out of it.That hurt by the way because i hoped she would stop me.I remember on the 11th of November 2010,Prince looked into my eyes and told me she loved me and would do anything for me.She wrote her own vows and even as she put that ring on my finger,i knew i was doing the wrong thing.But i could not just walk away,i hoped it would get better (atleast for that wedding Beauty and Joe were there and so was Alexie and Jay....Joe,you have been present for both my marriages,is that a coincidence?)Right after we got married,Prince left town to go see her folks and while she was there,i met up with D and she asked me to leave Prince and work something out with her and i did (grave mistake...wish i knew then what i know now) anyway,i did leave Prince but D wasnt the only reason i left,D and i never did work things out (sometimes i think it was a blessing that we never did,after all,if she could cheat on her girlfriend with me,why wouldnt she cheat on me with someone else ....oh wait,she already did!)so thats how Prince and i ended it.She made my life a nightmare for sometime and still calls sometimes to say she misses me and loves me still (i wonder if i believe her???) but am never going back there...Well,since then,i have been through D (again...i know am full of crap for buying her crap,but i couldnt
Anyway,after that trip down memory lane,i want to toast to LIFE IN LEZVILLE's first year and hopefully,many more to come.After all,look at how far we've come!

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