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Thursday, September 6, 2012

As far as updates go...

Well, its been a while of avoiding writing at all costs (i know it sounds strange because i bitch about writers block all the time) but i assure you it was for a good reason.
I have been up to a lot that i felt i should not tell the world about till i remembered that this blog was started to talk about ME (little Miss Vain just checked in) so here goes some of the crap i have been hiding from the public eyes...
Some might accuse me of using people as lab rats but i hope they understand where am coming from. I have always told people that the only way you can make an informed decision on your sexuality is if you try whats on the menu. Its like going into the same restaurant everyday for 10yrs and eating the same thing everyday calling it your favourite without ever having tried anything else. Not wanting to preach water and drink wine, i took the initiative and tried (i lie...it was awesome) to enjoy the different flavours that my community has to offer.
I have always had a thing for Audrey (yes, that's her real name) and it never escaped my mind that she is a transgender. Not that it makes her any more exotic (to some degree i think it does). I remember the first time i thought of getting into a bed with her i panicked because i was much younger and shy and not ready to explore anything past women. That sounded wrong i know, but am not trying to say she is any less of a woman than i am, if anything, she might be more of one than i will ever be. But looking back on a 19yr old who was just adjusting to terms, transgender was something i understood in theory but not in reality so i panicked and did the most logical thing at the time...Backed off! So that was then and this is now...A couple of weeks ago (yes, one of those that i glowed everyday...not that this week is any different) i got some from a transgender (M to F) that blew my mind. Hands tied, booty red from a spanking and my pussy sore to the heavens and back.It was awesome yet a learning experience (lesson learned: Pain can be sweet). Which now has me wondering if maybe i should go back and find Audrey?!? To be honest, i have come to the conclusion that sex is sex. There is only good sex, bad sex and strange sex...and of late i have been getting alot of good and strange sex...Then after the T came the I (am not defining the I, if you are really interested in information research and if you are still not satisfied, you can go ahead and ask (as for the rather specific details, they are omitted in a bid to avoid looking and sounding like a scientist in a lab...
After that one would have thought that considering the roll i was on, i was going to be over sexed but lo and behold the woman of woman finds herself a woman who can bring the roof down and make her reach the milky way.
The woman in question  has no name (she will remain so till i figure some things out) but my heavens does she have a voice, a body, a mouth and a magic working pair of hands. I have not had a woman fuck me in so many ways (some a little too explicit to contain here) and still not tire me out. The bruises and marks all over my body a constant reminder that it was well worth my time. I did things i have wanted to do but haven't ever tried and it was AMAZING!!!! If i wasn't so set against giving my heart to anyone, i might have considered giving it to her (and it wouldn't be just the sex...although that would contribute a major part of it) but seeing as that would not work for either of us, it will stay where it is (my mind just added something after this statement in Lez-lee Bellz voice that i have chosen to leave out p.s Lez-lee this 'aside' is for you). Back to the woman, if i could start a 'lets learn how to fuck women school' she would be the practicals teacher! And what makes her that much more special you ask??? That's so simple to answer...She is a woman after my own pussy (slut ;-D )

Aside from my sex life that seems to be gaining momentum as i continue to pursue my life's goals and dreams, the Kenyan LGBTI community recently had the GALCK AGM that proved to be a source of a lot of knowledge and inspiration. The people who started this movement at a time when things were worse than they are now and we had nobody to run to had a lot less than we have now but they seem to have made a lot more of this than we are currently making of it now but i guess it takes a dreamer to fulfil a dream. After listening and trying to understand what it is that we need as a community, am using this platform to call upon all that identify by any of the terms below:

  • Lesbian
  • Gay
  • Bisexual
  • Trans-Gender
  • Intersex
Or if you are not sure who or where it is you stand, to do what i did when i met all these people and figured i was different. Do your research, not just on what you are, but who we all are and how we come together to fulfil a common purpose. We are all so different and our differences make us who we are. But different is not bad and nobody should say so. So check out the GALCK website http://galck.org/ and learn more about yourself and us. You are among family and friends around us!

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