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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thank you

Hey everyone,am leaving Nairobi to go on some crazy exploits all over the place and i might not be in for about a week or two but when i come back,i promise to post alot more and keep everyone up to date...Am majorly looking forward to this trip because i think when i come back i will have rested enough and gotten over whatever has been bothering me for so long (wish me luck) and maybe my posts will begin to make more sense and i wont have a writing block (although am not a writer i have had one that just wont let me go).But i really wanted to say thanks a billion to all of you for reading and commenting and some of my readers who have ssent me emails.I appreciate all the empathy (sympathy,not so much) and all the advice and good sense that i have gotten from some of you.It has been awkward at times sitting to write and wanting to write some really personal things and posting some of it here,but it has been fun listening to what you have to say about what goes on in this boring lesbian's life.Maybe i can convince my friends to let me write about them and their tials or i will write and wait for them to come and burn down my house.All in all,it has been an awesome ride so far and i hope to keep you all entertained,educated and loved!!!!When i started this blog,i didnt think i would even get 10 readers and am still in abit of shock that they are over 2000 and from all over the world.I think i might have to learn Japanese or malay for some of my readers.Thank you loads everyone and have an awesome time while am away!!!

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