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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sleepless in Kenya

I have been unable to sleep for the last couple of weeks i guess its because i have had alot on my mind that is work related,but the main reason is because of some really close friends...
When your friend falls for a married man,what are you supposed to say to her?..I have a really good friend,closer than most and we talk about almost everything.So when she told me she has a thing for a certain married man that we work with (we also work with his wife),and they have been talking about what they feel for each other i was abit cautious to actually acknowledge the information.But i wasn't given much of a choice when they went a step further and actually started talking about feelings and kissing (more like sneaking and stealing kisses).Now here i am wondering what would happen if the said wife that we work with were to find out.How would that impact on me as a person because i have known the wife longer than the potential mistress?And also,what happens when my friend gets it into her head that she should be the wife?Or even worse,am i supposed to be a good friend and be the shoulder to cry on when my Friend realises she has cheated herself out of so much good in life?
That's just one of the things keeping me awake and away from this blog.Another is...well,a really good friend (one of the few that have lasted) was told she has cancer and a million other diseases (she hasn't told her family) And she sometimes looks like she is falling apart and i want to kill anyone who has ever hurt her or broken her heart.Am scared to death and back to life for her and i keep asking for the energy to be there for her when it gets harder and really painful (from where am not sure,but if i keep asking,it will come am sure).I love this girl to the ends of time and back and i wish sometimes it was me and not her suffering and if i could take it away from her,i would and thinking about her keeps me awake at night...
Then of course i wouldn't want to forget my sweet little angel.This girl has been through alot and i wish i could give her all the love she needs and wants that way,nobody would ever get a chance to break her heart again.She was dating a really sweet man and we nicknamed him teddy bear and we were all happy for her.Only some of us (we are a group of 5 amazingly awesome women) had this nagging feeling that this guy wasn't all he was cranked up to be so we waited for the other shoe to drop.And drop it did,he was cheating on her.Not once,not with 1 person and i want to find him and tie him up and punish him for breaking her heart when she gave her all to him.But am just wondering,is it my place to do so?Maybe i can give him a piece of my mind!!!
And finally,there is the girl that keeps me awake finding ways to win her over without being so direct.I have always thought that the way to a woman's heart is through her mind and of course pu**y but with her,even this doesn't seem to work.She is unpredictable.I think she doesn't like joy (to be honest i detect abit of jealousy) but that doesn't make sense because i don't want Joy and most especially not since she confessed that she cheated on me with 2 women (and she has the audacity to tell me she still loves me)am not looking for another D,if i wanted one i would go back to the one i had and beg on my knees.To be very true to myself,if it is jealousy then that just makes me happy (jealousy is a sign of caring right?).Thing is,with this girl,its not the usual dyke thing (we meet,we say i love you in 2 wks or less and we start dating at 2 wks

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