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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Am just saying

Now,now ladies and a couple of gents,i know i have been gone for a while but i want to assure you that its because of my work and not lack of something to say...
I want to start with my last 2 weeks, i was busy getting things in order for the grand finale concert for one of my projects.I have been to 5 different towns with crazy turn outs for the concerts and i thought Nairobi needed my extra care and attention.I wasn't wrong...Anyway,in this last week i turned 22...A major step for a girl who has never seen herself older than 21 and to be honest i had a blast.On my birthday,i got a weed cake delivered to the venue for my concert and that night (4 am - coincidentally,its 4 am as i write this) when we got to the hotel,i tried to have some of that cake and i for the life of me could not even eat a piece (i hate baked weed).It was such an emotional day for me considering a year ago for my birthday i sat with my girlfriends of then and bitched about our exes,this year i was with some old and some new friends and they made it awesome (Thank you D for the flowers and chocolates - in case your wondering,she sent someone to give them to me - the thought was a sweet gesture,i guess now i can actually say we are 'friends' )And the new and old friends made sure i had a good day,i had all these good wishes and all this love surrounding me that i never once had a negative thought all day till i got to bed and i broke down because i didn't get to blow candles(petty right?).I wanted candles so that i could make a wish so am going to get another cake and blow out those candles.Anyway,all weekend i was either stoned or drunk and when Saturday night came along,i was all smiles and bubbly.The concert went well (not the numbers we expected but good all the same) but the best part was the after party when i got soaked in alcohol...i would put the photos up here but am not very sure i want everyone to know what i look like...Point is,i had major fun on my birthday and that whole weekend too thanks to lots of everyone that made my day.
Seeing as it is 4:43am Saturday 15th October,and i am unable to sleep thanks to all the things on my mind,i need to get some of them off.The really personal stuff can wait till i sort it out - Dear Lord my Faith is getting to me in ways i cant yet explain...
I wrote a post a couple of weeks back and asked a girl (i would have said bitch but that would be a compliment) called Janet to keep her nose out of my business and i got a call from Joy (my rebound girl) asking me to remove the post because Janet called her and made some noise about it and i in turn told Joy that this is my blog,if anyone doesn't like anything i write (excluding the special few - which she is clearly not part of) they can shove it where the sun don't shine and i thought that was settled but my wasn't i wrong.Joy called me last night in the middle of a tribute for the great Prof. Wangari Maathai (i was working as usual) to tell me to delete the post (that must be at least 2-3 weeks old by now)and i hang up on her.If Janet has a problem with the blog post,why doesn't she tell me herself?She clearly knows my friends otherwise i would never have known she was in my business so why not ask them for my contacts and ask me herself?If you ask nicely i might do it (might is the key word) which brings me back to my original request,why the fuck is this girl still in my business???
That's issue number 1,now onto the 2nd,I love my job and have no apologies to make about working all hours and sleeping little,i love what i do and it makes me money so really, no complaint there.What i have problem with is the people i have to work with that are getting to me.I hate it when pride gets in the way of my work (i have plenty i know so keep yours in check if am doing the same to mine).They have been driving me up the wall(the special 10) and am so glad i get a break before i have to deal with another batch of divas.
The third issue i wanted to address was a certain part of my past that i haven't talked about,the woman from Dubai who was madly in love with me...But i think this can wait till later today...

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