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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Leave my girl alone...

Territorial much???...Every living being is territorial thats why we define things as ,'my car'..,'my wife'..'my husband'....Or do you think its just a word?thats fine,we all are,but what or where are the boundaries of owning someone?
I have been around the block long enough to see how territorial people get about the person they are dating.In some cases it gets so bad,we have cases of domestic violence...
Maybe i should start with my own story...When i was 15,i had a girlfriend who was 25(i have a thing for women in that age range)and she worked in the banking industry,very territorial and commanding and didnt understand that i had alot of doubts about my sexuality then.I hate it when i cant make up my mind about anything...Lucy was her name and i really cared about her,but clearly not enough to acknowledge that I was a lesbian at that point in my life (now,thats all i brag about,my confidence in my sexuality)and all this was way before lezville.I remember i got a boyfriend around that time when i came home for holidays(i was in boarding school and was trying to fit in...considering how complicated my life had been the year before...story for another day)and i was making progress in making friends(must admit that it got really bad when i found out that the girl that hooked me up wanted the boy and was having a thing with him)but i remember once,walking in town with the so called boyfriend,i met with Lucy.She didnt say hi to me or even acknowledge that she saw me and knew me.But about an hour later,i got a text as i was walking to my bus stop,it read,and i quote from memory,'baby,i love you and i miss you loads,please come spend the night with me at home today,we need to talk about alot of things pertaining to our future together' and i knew i was in trouble,just not how much.So i did the logical thing then,i hid from her for a week then randomly showed up at her house,dressesd to kill,hoping for her love and attention.Attention i got,she kissed me all over and told me she loved me then went ahead to have sex with me like a woman possessed after which she got on top of me,sat on me and slapped me around a couple of times,calling me a whore and a slut.I was pretty shaken up,especially after i saw blood(just afew streaks of it albeit)then she tied me to the bed and made love to me and told me to keep remembering how much she loved me everytime i crawled into bed with the asshole she saw me with.I remember the next morning i got up and went straight to his house,with a scar on my cheek from the beating i got and a red patch on my skin from where she had punched me on my tummy and let the boy (he was just but 17 if i remember correctly) have his way with me for the first time and after he was done,went home,took a long shower,crying my heart out as the water washed away all the disgust i felt in me towards Lucy.I never went back to her again,i wouldnt pick her calls,if i met her,my heart would start beating funny and i would get a mini panic attack waiting for her to punch me for disappearing from her.But she never did and i have never said a word to her since...
Back to my point,just how much ownership do you have over anyone?I had a girlfriend once,not too long ago that would ask me who i belong to in the middle of sex,is that the same thing?hell no...in sex,thats a turn on.In everyday life,thats a nightmare.What am trying to say is,why would you be so controlling and possessive as to think that you own an entire human being?
Which then brings me to the million and one women and men who pick fights with anyone who flirts,talks or even smiles at their so called property,who the hell told you that you are the only one allowed to do all the above to her???And if someone is trying to 'steal your girl' (its in quotes because,she is not property that will be taken and hidden without being given an option)as you put it,dont you think the girl in question should be given a chance to make that decision???Or is it that since she is yours,you are her brain,heart,body and most importantly her tongue?Call me old fashioned,but i believe in freedom of choice.Some battles are personal,and need to be fought by the affected individual,all you can do is offer support if the situation gets any worse,but dont go around making scenes all because someone wants your girl.I thought the idea that someone else would want what you have would be a wake up call that you have something really good and worth having???Instead of screaming, 'Leave my girl alone', why dont you try screaming,'You can try all you want but she is going home with me!!!' Maybe that would be more effective?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your choice of words..wow!! Its like your having a conversation with your reader one-on-one :)