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Friday, May 11, 2012

Changing faces...

Am sorry i have been so out of it of late. I have just been very caught up in my head trying to figure out some of the really odd things that have happened to me of late and am still not sure what is up with me as of yet so am hoping writing about it will finally settle the thoughts.
The last i wrote was about the girl that has been driving me nuts but i cant name her till i know she is here to stay so bear with the nameless and face less lady...But i need to take you back a bit further than that to explain where my mind is.
A couple of weeks ago, someone i then considered a friend got thrown out by her boyfriend (some things are stranger than fiction so if you have a weak heart please stop reading NOW) and we (a friend and i) picked her up. Went to a wines and spirits and got a bottle of vodka and went home to drown her sorrows in the bottle.Seeing as alcohol and chocolate are the ideal ways to get your mind off a heartbreak we drank to our hearts content.And soon enough bedtime crawled around and we went to bed where all this weirdness started.This girl, (we will call her Viper) decided her sorrows wanted a threesome that i guess the alcohol let us take full advantage of and anyway,quoting a couple of people, the best way to get over one human is to get under another.It was nothing to write home about, she knew not what to do and i really didn't want her down there with the acrylic nails (one of my worst nightmares is a nail stuck somewhere inside me and i can feel it tearing me up inside...weird ?!? I know). So i took control and let her achieve the orgasm she so craved.This then became a habit, every time she would get thinking about how much she loves him we would be there to help her drink away her sorrows and talk her out of all the rubbish she was feeding herself about winning him back(although the sex we all agreed had to stop). Then came the point we realized that it was not helping to try to convince her not to win him back so we became 'supportive' friends that would conjure up plans to help her only we never actually let her try them because everyday we came up with plans that were better than the day before.
So you can imagine my shock when one fine night, around 2am to be exact, we were drinking in the house as usual when she threw a glass of vodka at e and actually jumped on me...Anyone who knows me knows am not violent in the least. I pushed her off me and sat on her small frame worrying that i would suffocate her in doing so, and listened to her shout and scream how we were not her friends and didn't care about her.The other friend came out of the bathroom and i swear i couldn't wait to get out of there.So at 2.50am there we were, 2 ladies walking alone wondering what had just happened. But this very stupid Catty just had to go back to the same house alone...
About 2 weeks later we were alone drinking as usual at around 1am when she started blabbering on and i quote, "Do you know me? I don't think you do, you don't know what i can do to you..." and as in on cue, there was a loud knock on the door that almost made me fly off the seat and when she made a move to open the door i got up and insisted to open it myself (paranoia...i was ready to jump over the balcony) just for me to find it was her neighbor. He joined us and we kept drinking till she got all weird and threw him out (still not sure why he did) and asked me to put off the lights which i did halfheartedly just for her to throw her glass of wine at me and jump on me like she was going to kill me and i pushed her off me and sat on her again but something was different. I cant explain it, but when i had her pinned against the wall and i put on the lights, her eyes were all black.Not a single speck of white anywhere and i sort of freaked out, it was a really odd feeling, sort of like the first time i met Maskini wa Mungu (loooong story) but i tried talking to her all the same.She told me she wasn't Viper but Eliza (alter ego?...I hoped so) and she had like double her usual strength so when she pushed me and ran to the kitchen i opened the door wide open and stood outside waiting for her to come back.I couldn't help wondering if she would come with a knife and stab me.But when she came back with another glass with juice in it and her eyes back to normal i was even more scared...I got back in the house, didn't lock the door and stood behind the sofa.Then i saw the glass flying at me and i ducked and it hit the floor and shattered to tiny pieces.She came and started walking on the shards of glass and i decided i needed to just go home before she killed me...What she did after was weird but i got my bag and booze (i was not going to leave my bottle of vodka for a mad woman) and walked home at 3am all alone figuring I would rather be robbed than deal with her insanity...But what was weirder is the next morning when she called and asked me what happened the night before...Apparently she couldn't remember....Changing faces or Jeepers Creepers?...I talked to another friend about this and she said Eliza is Viper's mother...Can't seem to figure out if am the crazy one or she is...

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