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Friday, June 22, 2012

It’s not over...yet!

Everyone has been in one of those situations where they wake up one morning and wonder how they ever got into that mess in the first place and how long will it take to get out of it, not to mention, will it even be possible to get out of it?
Some of those situations are worse than others but it all boils downs to what lengths one is willing to go to, to get out of that situation.
Well the inspiration behind this post is from a couple of people that i have had the good sense to speak to in the last couple of months and all i seem to hear are complaints which in turn then brought about alot of discontentment within the brood.
What happens when a relationship starts in Lezville? To begin with, relationships in lezville seem to have very interesting beginnings and some really nasty and dangerous ends. Take an example of...
Nemesis, she was in a relationship with a girl that could move heaven and earth for her, steal for her if she had to and even go to the extent of killing if worst came to worst, but still she fucked up and left. Am not sure if this is the sad or scary bit but i will let you be the judge of that...She left the girl, but the girl refused to be left (an all too familiar ring to this story) and proceeded to try and woo her back (i think that was such a bad idea in retrospect but at that point i was so busy helping one fight for love i let it cloud my judgement) which didn’t work and they each moved on (sort of?!?)
(Their friends and foes alike were calling dibs on when it will end or how fast they will cheat on each other, who will cheat 1st and who will be heart broken long before they even got there.)
Ofcourse Nemesis got another girlfriend and proceeded to live happily ever after till her new beau started fucking up...This is the bit where all in lezville would sit and say ‘what goes around comes back around’ or ‘Karma is a bitch’ (that has got to be my favourite) but i tend to think its because we are so shallow we forget to understand things before we start judging them.
( She is friends with her ex which drives her current into jealous fits when she is alone. And much as they still love each other, she wont try it again which causes her to resent the jealousy and reassurances in this society come with terms and conditions its much easier not to reassure. So again, she is in another sinking boat)
We meet today, have sex tonight, get to know each other after the sex and in under a month we say i love you and we think we know whats best since the invention of fire (and we wonder why we get burnt). Or even better, we meet on a social site (facebook, twitter, badoo, fuckbook e.t.c), you have no clue if the photo on my profile is the real me or not but in less than 2wks you tell me you have feelings for me (keeping in mind we have not met) and you want to be my girlfriend. I will say yes because i like you too, but i don’t really know you so, do I really like you? How come no one asks these questions? We meet up, suddenly i don’t like what i see but i tell myself that i fell for the person inside so i give it a try. After the first few sleep overs, we suddenly live together and you start calling me wifey. Things get complicated from there because we have to learn how to tolerate the things about each other we didn’t know and currently don’t like. And as if to add salt to an injury that didn’t ask for it, we begin to resent each other and the small things we do for each other. After the first one month of dating the sex goes flying out of the window and the tension in the house is unbearable.
At this point none of us has considering having a talk about all thats going on, we act like its normal and we are fine. Each of us is grumbling to our friends and most probably flirting with other people on the same site we met. Our friends loyalties become split and we both know that if we end this we will have to live with its complicated for a very long time. So we keep pushing hoping that things will fall in place.
Everyone in Lezville has a best friend that they apparently ask for advice, so at this point out of sheer curiosity am just wondering why neither of our friends asked if we were crazy when we started out. Why didn’t any of those friends advice us to take our time? Or is it that they did we just chose to not listen?
And still we keep pushing till both of us are tired of trying. Its the see saw effect, when i want to work it out you don’t and when i don’t, you do. The game remains the same for months to come yet still we are at it. Waiting to work things out and see where they will go. And almost 6 months later we are ready to kill each other and we call it quits just for us to try again and again and again. When do we finally give up? You cheat and i find out and forgive, i cheat, you don’t ever find out and i know i got away with it. What next? We are still working on us because we think to give up would mean never finding this again forgetting that there were others before we were us. So we keep playing this game and we keep telling everyone, “ It’s not over...yet” so when does it end?
This is the thing, we jump from one sinking boat into another, still doing things the same way over and over again expecting different results. It’s not over...yet, so when will it be?


Lola said...

i feel that because, we are very few, most ladies tend to rush in relationships, this is wrong, and any relationship should be taken cautiously before declarations of love are made...most of us are in love with the idea of being in love.

Catty Cheetah said...

I cant argue with that point, when single we constantly crave to be with someone but when we have someone we constantly wish for what we dont have. The notion of having someone appeals more than actually having someone.