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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Life as I see it through her eyes

Life as I see it through her eyes is a complicated mass of days where some are of the good kind of complicated and others are not so good.
I met an amazing girl when i was 18 turning 19. Girl makes her sound so young which in age she was, but her tales spoke of pain and anguish that a slip of a child should not have had to face yet till she found a reason to smile. She had just turned 19 and she spoke with the eloquence of a woman of far greater years and trusted little, acknowledging that trust was earned and never just given. I  saw her love and loose. And in her losses i saw her strengths and relied heavily upon them for a long time.
I remember like it was yesterday when she left a girl she had come to be convinced she could give her heart and she chose not to because of all the mind games that were coming to play. I introduced her to someone i considered a friend then and watched their relationship blossom. She was in love and happy and nothing could get to her at that point. At the time i was in a relationship that was far too complicated for its own good and i had alot going on in my life having just met my biological father and trying  to maintain a semblance of sanity considering the insanity in my own mind. She was my rock and strength and she never let me fall too far behind. When my relationship came to an end, she was the one who picked me up and helped me get back on my feet. What she didnt know was that the end of that relationship was the death of a part of me that i had just  discovered yet in her own special way she did know something in me had died.
For months before I met Di, she was my lover in every way except love making. She was the reason why i  rose in the morning every day and after she lost someone dear and special to her, to see her better and alive again became my reason for living. She has always said am stronger than i look or think, but when she was falling apart i learnt that she was wrong. I was frayed at the seams and i couldnt keep it together long enough to hold her yet in each other and others around us we found reason to live again and embrace life. After i met Di she was the only person i wished to talk to and i saw that she had grown. Not just physically, she had grown and changed emotionally and psychologically. Evolving over time, making changes that were necessary and others not so much but each one redefining who she was.
She got her heart broken again and i hated that i had known and done nothing about it. We made a new friend and held tight to what we had, but we should have known it would fade when faced with the greatest of all trials in our lives then. She doesnt know now just like she didnt know then, our new friend was not for us, she was for her.
It has been years since we first met and every time we see each other its like not a day in the world has gone by.
Life as i see it through her eyes is a series of mazes tht i have to go through. The labyrinth of life that has so many turns, none is ever truly wrong, just not acceptable in its consequences or too high is the price one has to pay to follow that road.
Life as i see it through her eyes is one long road with so many signs, not all of which mean something, but all of which will lead somewhere. Through her eyes i see the best in others around me even when my own eyes have no desire to see such and when i have doubts that cloud my judgement, she makes me believe without proof. Life through her eyes is believing without seeing, trusting long after all else has failed, loving after all the pain still keeps you awake at night, crying when emotions run high, laughing even when there is no reason to and spreading joy even when your heart, mind and spirit are surrounded by darkness.

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