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Monday, November 5, 2012

Family and friends- Birthday Tribute

I have been looking forward to my birthday for a while now so when the day rolled by I was more than happy to do something special for myself. I had every intention of being selfish and not surrounding myself with people that I don't much like, but that's a hard task when most of the people you know you would rather avoid. So i chose to spend it with family. Not my birth family, but my adoptive family.
Beauty and I spent time with my Jamie on Friday smoking up some worthwhile Indica from Ethiopia and took home a take away that we had before we took showers and left for the centre. A jamaican shower was the first part of my day that I loved and sitting around not making any move to leave the house was the second. Lele came by to see me in the morning and we got him baked! Then got dressed (the only part of what i was wearing I remember is the Lingerie i wore under the clothes...I love birthdays, they make me horny!) to leave the house which i think must have been at 4. The morning was perfect!
Now to the part of my day that I wish I could have selective amnesia about. Even as I write this I have this creepy feeling crawling up my spine. Some part of me would call it shame but another would call it disbelief although I would not go with that part of me, I know what I am capable of so it would be a bit far fetched to say i shocked myself. We had a fund raising on the day for a sister and friend at the centre and it was something else. Seeing this big family that I am part of come together for one of our own was such a touching sight. If anyone ever doubted that we love each other and we take care of our own, they were proven wrong. Lesbians love alcohol so of course we had lots of it as usual but there was no drama. Then we had an auction for our fine ass women and the bids were entertaining...(the angel on my shoulder says this statement should end here but the little demon wants me to go into details. Who do I listen to?) to say the least, we had mad fun. For my day I wanted sex, alcohol, marijuana and lots of awesome company and I guess you can say I got all my wishes (except the sex but that's just a technicality, because after all, i still got an orgasm). I got enough kisses to last me a long while. Good kisses are normally so hard to come by but the women i kissed then were definitely present in class during the kissing lessons. Money was raised for the good cause and we are still hoping to get more so if you feel you want to help us help our sister, feel free to send in donations. Oh shit! I forgot to share what happened. My bad, 2 of our friends got into an accident and we lost one of them and the other is in hospital, she went into surgery last week and its costing their family an arm and a leg to cater for the hospital bills and plan for their other daughters send off and we came together as the rainbow family to help the family in this time of need and to show our support. Like I said, we are one very big and loving family. So, if you want to help us help our sister, feel free to email and I can share a means of contributing.
I have been thinking a lot about family too and our definition of it. Maybe i should say my definition of it. Am not going to disown my birth family ever because they have been my rock and strength and still continue to be even if at times i dont understand the spirit in which they do some of the things they do, but they love me and i love them. But i have also in the course of growing up learnt that that is not the only family i will ever have and my family grows bigger with every year that goes by. So here is to another year of happiness, enlarging my family and appreciating the family i already have.

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