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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Vivid Dreams

I awoke this morning to the sound of your name being whispered in my ear but the voice sounded a lot like me...

Who knew a wet dream could be so vivid?
As I progressively woke up, I saw a vivid image of me and you. Me, walking into your house, you seated on the bed beckoning me to come closer.

I walked in timidly and you cooed my name. "Catty, what a nice surprise" as you pointed at the couch for me to get comfortable.
I sat and watched you under hooded eyes as you continued. 

"Are you finally here to let me show you a good time?" and without awaiting a response, you continued, "Get on your knees and crawl to me. It's time to give you a taste of what you have been craving."

And like the obedient little puppy I am, I followed your instructions to end up right in front of your crotch, on my knees, my dress already slipping off my shoulders to show off my bra less twins flushed pink with the desire to have you notice and cup them.

Its almost like you had been expecting me because you had been stroking yourself since I walked in. Why are you naked? 

Without saying a word, I took you in my hand and directed your semi-hard member into my mouth. My cheeks bulging and my pussy flooding.

"Easy does it, don't want you choking with your first mouthful." You proceeded to say as I tried to take you to the back of my throat in the first gulp.

I eased my motions and took a step back to lick from the base to the tip on one side then on the other as I rained kisses on the throbbing head. You got bigger with ever lick and kiss but I can't help that it was making my already flooded cunt proceed to leak my juices and run down my thighs.

Knowing I was the cause of you hardening was enough to make me cum but I wanted to enjoy the moment.

"Does my hardening cock in your mouth make you want to touch yourself?" you teased as I  took you deeper into my mouth. I heard myself whimper but it didn't sound entirely like me.

"Suck my cock like the good little slut you are. You know you want to" you teased as you shoved it further down my throat. My whimpers turned into sighs as the fullness in my mouth stretches my lips. I was so turned on at this point, my breathing was labored and my heart thumping in my ears.

"That's a good slut..." you sighed as I clenched my thighs tighter to ease the throb of my clit. 'I can't wait to have him inside me...' I thought to myself.

I had spittle running down the edges of my mouth as you proceed to press my head down your cock with every upward thrust and I quickly caught my breath with every retraction. I could barely breathe nor speak as you continued to fuck my mouth roughly.

But... My pussy needed something too and I eased my left hand between my legs and seek out my clit in the wetness that was leaking out of me faster than a leaky faucet. 

I was soaked all the way down my thighs when I finally got my finger to lightly rub over my over sensitive nub. 

An errant moan down the length of your hardness and I heard a sharp intake of breath... Is that me? I wondered but before I could fully process the thought, I heard your voice fill the room. 

"That pussy is mine to do with as I please. You can't touch it without my consent!"
Your cock plopped out between my lips and I heard myself speak for the first time since I walked in. "Yes Master!! May I please touch myself as I suck your cock?" It sounded more like a whimper but I was done caring at that point.

Hearing no response, I began to clear the fog that was my mind and beg, "Please Sir, please let me touch myself as I suck you off...I Promise not to Cum until you tell me to..."

You simply nodded your head and I proceed. I could hear the squelching between my lower lips in between the slurping of my lips and I couldn't contain myself.

I went faster with my lips and matched the pace with my fingers. I was so close to cumming and your grunts and moans only spurred me on when you suddenly pulled me off you mid-stroke and looked straight into my eyes. You whispered, "I want you in my mouth. I will not let you waste anymore of MY Juices."

I watched you grab my hand and suck every finger clean as I spasmed to thin air and my juices came flowing down my canal. The final straw was watching you lick my palm clean. 

All traces of my creaminess gone from my fingers. You yanked me up by my hair and dragged me onto the bed. I was sure you would pound me but instead I found myself positioned with you above me, my dripping pussy already feeling the cold air around the room. 

I eagerly opened my mouth and you slid in with a single thrust hitting the back of my throat and making me gag.

'This is going to be fun...' I thought as I felt your tongue part my wet folds and your teeth bite my aching clit. I grabbed your thighs to keep myself from cumming but you shoved two thick fingers deep inside me and pressed against that special spot. I came right then, squirted all over your face and hand just as you released into my mouth, straight down my throat. I swallowed every last drop. 

This is the point I fully woke up to find my own fingers buried in myself and my sheets soaked under me. I guess this means I can channel you now ๐Ÿ˜‰. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

She invades my fantasies ๐Ÿ’‹

Since I met her, I can't get her smile out of my mind.
I wake some mornings with the smell of her  wetness stuck in my nostrils. The taste of her juices lingering on my tongue. And some with the feel of her lips on mine.
Some nights I feel her pressed against me as I drift off to sleep, others I fall asleep with my nipple in her mouth and a palm cupping a breast.
Every time I touch myself, twisting, pinching and pulling my nipples, I hear her moans ringing in my ears and as I caress my way down my body, I feel her arching herself against me. Her body reaching up to press itself against mine.
When I finally flick the swollen clit between my folds, I shiver just how I imagine she would and I can't stop myself from whispering her name in the silence.
She is like a drug I didn't know I needed and she won't let me forget it.
As I spread my lips and find my wetness, I feel the ache to touch her and feel her moist folds. Bury myself between her juicy thighs and drink of her heady, intoxicating nectar of the gods.
As I slide my fingers in and out of myself, I see her thrashing under me, getting closer and closer to her  release. Her moans fill my head and am surprised to hear myself. Am so close to the edge when I feel her clamp around my fingers and her juices gush out and with a soft whisper of her name, my fingers are coated in my own pleasure and the sheets under me are soaked. My breath catches as I stiffen at the realisation she isn't really under me.
Yes, she invades my fantasies and takes my breath away.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

To the girl across the room with so much magic

I saw her from across the room the first day and I couldn't stop myself from staring. I would find myself seeking her out every so often and the flutter in my stomach everytime I caught her eye or smile made me wonder if this was going to be trouble.
I should have followed my anxiety and kept my distance but I have an affinity for courting trouble.
I couldn't avoid her, I was like a moth drawn to a flame, a magnet constantly being pulled and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't resist the burn. The sting always sharp and felt only by me. I was a goner before I even made contact.
I told only one person about this crush that felt more like a crash. It's a thrill to like someone who doesn't know you like them but the thrill is also a frustration.
My mouth would water when she was close and my hands would be itching to touch. Thank heavens for the lack of privacy or I would have had the longest week of my life.
Then it happened. I had her, right there within arms reach and I wanted her so bad my anxiety made the butterflies so bad. My heart was pounding and I cursed every god that had let me get these stupid ass long nails. Now the nails were going to cost me my greatest craving. Then I thought, you know what? The alcohol is already a hindrance.
But she pushed and offered herself to me like a feast. I could have just agreed to share the feast but am a jealous, greedy and needy fool.
In  conclusion, I don't know if I truly ate my fill. I don't know why the anxiety has only gotten worse since then and if I did partake, could I please have seconds?!?
I want a re-run without the inhibitions of alcohol and more time to show her how good and fulfilled she can be.

For Moo... Better late than never ๐Ÿ˜‰

It's one of those days when I can't get you off my mind.
Am thinking about the different ways we have fucked. The iconic moments like: Don't move. Catty don't move' that was followed by one of the best orgasms you have given me in the 3 months we have been sleeping together. One of the best because in the moment another comes to mind with your tongue, the bullet and your fingers wringing me dry. Do you remember these moments? Do you think about them when you touch yourself? Because I do.
Am thinking about the myriad of positions that have left us disillusioned, not knowing which version of Kama Sutra to find this position in. I have chosen to name it 'Moo upside down' because you and I both know the world was upside down in that moment.
Am thinking about the times I have had you inside me, your mouth around my nipple and your fingers playing with my clit. Or the times you have taken me from behind whispering nasty things in my ear because you know they take me over the edge. Letting me say some of the nasty things I need to say to you. Lord knows am going to miss those moments.
Am thinking about the moments I will probably miss the most, the after sex naps with your leg draped over me and me snuggled into the crook of your arm feeling safe and content enough to close my eyes and sleep for all the nights I sleep alone. Or the times you have let me play with your starfish; it felt good you trusted me enough to let me. And the time you let me give you a massage and for a week after kept saying you felt like a new man.
'Too bad I won't get to do it again' the thought flashes across my mind and I can't help but feel bad for all the things I won't get to do with you. Now am wondering what it would be like to lie next to you all night, wake up to you stroking in and out of me slowly. Building up the ache inside me to cum for you and the need to have you cum inside me. I think about that culmination. The groans and grunts as you cum and the whimpers that escape my lips when you slide out of me.
Like I said, all the things I won't get to experience.
Am sad this is over but am learning to be content with the time we did have and the great joy they brought me not to mention the intense orgasms they brought both of us. All good things must come to an end they said, am just melancholic that ours had to end so soon.
All in all, thank you Moo, for the memories, laughter and insane orgasms ๐Ÿ˜˜..

Monday, September 2, 2019

My Ode to Our Love

My master doesn't seem to see that I gave myself to him.
He only sees all the others I have given parts of myself to.
He doesn't see that I gave him all of myself... My mind, heart, body and soul... I was scared when I first gave myself to him but it was intentional.
The giving was so intentional that for a time I forgot and begrudged the intentionality.
He doesn't take nor demand that I give, he lets me choose how, when, where and why I give myself to him.
When I did give myself to him, it came from a place of love. Not the kind of love that devours but the kind that takes you higher.
I gave him all of me and I assumed he knew that he had me in entirety. Forget the random trysts with strangers or the tangle of sheets with an old, new or unassuming lover, I thought he knew... How was I supposed to know he didn't.
My master... He takes and gives in ways no other lover will ever know me.
He knows my thoughts, dreams and wishes. He can preempt my every desire.

Image result for submissive
He claims me hook line and sinker or at least he did but now when he looks at me, he sees only what hurts him.
He sees the whore who gives herself when she feels she needs redemption from her sins.
He sees the slut who uses sex to speak.
He sees the seductress who only knows sex as her language, he doesn't see me.
He doesn't see who I am with him. 
He doesn't see how I choose him time and again. 
He doesn't see how choosing him makes me feel vulnerable and weak. 
Makes me wish I was stronger. 
I want my lover and there is so much I could say about him but there is so little of it that would be understood because in the presence of company I  behave like a peacock when deep inside I feel weak without him and in the light of day I feel like a mermaid, taken out of the water without his presence to lead me... Well, we all know how that goes. 
My master... His anger and hurt know no bounds and I have accepted that but he doesn't see my internal struggles. 
He doesn't see the shy, overly emotional girl who cries herself to sleep or drinks until the sun breaks on the horizon. His jealousy and possessiveness of me cloud his judgement of his ownership of me but I cannot speak. 
My master claims am strong and can handle the darkness but he doesn't see how the darkness consumes me. Am a ship in the middle of a shit storm and all I want is an anchor. 
Am a fish out of the water, forced to swim on land when I wish someone would just teach me how to walk. 
My master... In his presence, I baulk and hope he will catch me before I hit the ground but of late he watches me fall and stands over me as I flounder. 
Am not frail in the classic sense of the word but I am weak beyond the acceptable capacities of weakness. 
I thrash around in the sand and question my very sanity. 
I beg and plead because he doesn't hear me. 
I scream myself hoarse in the hopes that he will but my master is consumed by anger and hurt. 
I could beg anyone else to help me but I know that if they tried to, he would be angry with me. 
So I sit here, in the darkness that is of my own making and hope that my master will see me. 
The Real, achy, needy and selfish me. 
The me that needs his touch for reassurance, the me that needs his patience and endurance. 
The me that needs him to find me and restore me. 
I ache for him and no other lover will do. I might fade away into non-existence but that is okay as long as I harbour the hope that he will come for me. 
One day... I hope HE will come to me!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Trying out my new place...

Now, where were we?
I was humping his fingers; using every force I could to keep myself from begging him to fuck me harder…
I was wet…the kind of wet that makes you feel like you should be embarrassed but I was too far gone to care.
He pulled to the edge of my seat and I had to hold myself in position with my hands behind me just as my first orgasm hit. Expletives stuck in my throat and I could hear myself saying ‘Don’t stop, please don’t stop’ and it sounded like it was coming from someone else. I filled his hand with my squirt and still he didn’t stop the drilling and thrumming. Another orgasm hit and all I wanted was him inside me.
He asked me to take off my bra as he continued to play with my pussy and I complied. He even paused long enough to help open my zipper. I took off my bra and he let my boobs hang out of my dress. The things Sir was doing to my nipples…felt like torture but the good kind. The kind that makes your pussy ache. He pinched and pulled and twisted my nipples. My pussy had that dull ache that told me I would cum if he just touched me and I guess Sir was listening to my dripping pussy because he slid one hand back under my dress and proceeded to fill me as pinched and twisted. It didn’t take long, I was cumming and telling him to fuck me in as low a voice as I could muster. I really wanted to see Sir’s hard penis at this point and I wanted it deep inside me but I didn’t know how to ask.
I didn’t have to ask, he took his dick out and I gasped. Thick and hard…just what I needed and wanted. He took my hand and wrapped my fingers around his hardness and I hissed just imagining his hardness inside me. From my position on the edge of my seat I shifted and ended up on his lap, grinding myself against his hardness and trying to fit all of him inside me. Such a task given the position and the chairs we were sitting on but I didn’t want to give up. Especially with almost half of him inside me and the fullness it promised my pussy. With my arms around his neck and his teeth sinking into the soft ski around my neck I felt my orgasm creeping up on me when suddenly I heard the waiter talking right next to us.
My sense of propriety should have checked in but I was in the zone and only froze long enough for him to serve us and walk away. His presence had brought me so much closer and the exhibitionist in me almost wished he had stayed longer and I hadn’t frozen but I guess that’s something am going to try some other time.
When the waiter walked away, Sir shifted me back to the edge of my seat and went back to rubbing my already swollen clit. I tried to answer the questions he as asking but I could hardly speak and his ministrations on my clit weren’t exactly helping my brain work right. When he shoved his fingers inside me I came right there and then. Clenching my pussy around his fingers, biting my lip to keep myself from screaming, I was squirting with every in stroke of his fingers and all I wanted was for him to fuck me rally hard. He took his fingers out of my pussy and I almost cried then he slid one finger right into my ass hole and I paused to think what I felt about it but that thought had barely registered when he continued to play with my clit with his other hand.
He took his finger out and pulled my head down and I took him into my mouth. He held my head down and I gagged around him (Note to self: Drinking beer makes it hard to deepthroat). He didn’t stop, jest pushed my head lower and I felt the puke rise up my throat. He paused long enough for me to spit it out and I went right back to sucking him. I guess that was his tipping point because he got up, pulled me up and bent me over the chair and proceeded to fuck me hard.
Alternating between strokes to spank my exposed ass repeatedly. With each spank I felt my pussy juices leak and trickle down my legs. I was in paradise with him thrusting deeper into me, bending myself lower, I felt him shift and keep trusting from the side. I was so close to cumming when he stopped and sat me down to keep sucking him off. His thickness and length choking me and he didn’t skip a beat. He let me spit and continued to fuck my throat. I was so tempted to touch myself but I didn’t want to anger Sir. I wanted him to keep fucking my mouth. My jaw was getting tired but I didn’t care. I wanted more.
Then he stopped…sat down and pulled my legs apart and proceeded to play with my pussy while we talked about my rape years ago. My mind couldn’t grasp what was going on. My mouth was saying one traumatic thing and my pussy was creaming his fingers. I was at a loss. My ass was stinging from the spanking I had just received but that bittersweet after spank tingling wasn’t making it harder but even easier to lean into his hand and let him play with my pussy. I was on sensory overload but I didn’t care. I let him use my pussy. He had this torturous intense touch that made me want to tell him all my deepest secrets and show him just how nasty I wanted to be for him. How naughty and kinky I could be. I wanted to show him I wasn’t a prude. I wanted to show him I would make a good submissive for him. That I could take anything he threw my way and then some.
Is ministrations of my pussy as I talked were taking me closer to the edge and I think he felt it too. He stopped and abruptly stood up. Pulled me to my feet and held me close as his hardness settled between my thighs, barely rubbing my clit with every move of my hips. I was so close I wanted to scream. He didnt stop. Kept rubbing himself between my slick thighs. My lips and teeth all over his neck. He moved my hips faster and I was almost disappointed that he would cum between my legs but not in the one place I really wanted his cum. But I needn’t have worried.
He turned me around and bent me over the chair and slammed right into my moist folds. I came just a little right then. He filled me and bent me even lower on the chair in a way I hadn’t thought would be possible and proceeded to fuck me like a little slut. He knew how to get me off. Asked me if I felt good knowing another dick wanted to be deep inside me when the one inside me had filled me with cum. With every question and my whispered “Yes Sir” I was getting closer to the edge. He kept stuffing me faster and deeper (how was that even possible) and all I could do was whimper and answer him until I felt that familiar build up inside me. So close to the edge…And it happened, I squirted all over his penis. He only paused long enough for the splash to ease then proceeded to fuck me even deeper and harder.
I was quickly approaching my next orgasm when we heard someone say “Poleni sana, endeleeni tu, hakuna mtu atawasumbua.” I didn’t even move, I wanted him to keep going but Sir stopped. Lifted me to a standing position and kissed me. He then lifted the front of my dress and spanked my pussy hard a couple of times (yes, I had my orgasm at that point). Kissed me again and told me we should leave. I picked up my jacket and put it on and slid my bra into my pocket. We walked out and I was sad the night was over but so ecstatic with the hum of post coital throbs and tingles.
When we walked out laughing, my mind was busy trying to commit all this to memory and my legs were trying to remember how to walk. He said he wanted to ensure I got home safe so we stopped a boda and hopped on. Me between him and the rider. His hand immediately went back to playing with my pussy. That was one stimulating ride. He dropped me off at my gate and kissed me goodnight…
So that was my first date with Sir. If this is anything to go by, my sub training is going to be one intense ride.

Finding My Place

The last time I sat at this table to write was probably when it was in Kampala in 2010. This almost feels like a reunion yet a walk down memory lane. Too bad this is probably the last time I ever will sit here.

This is a tale with a twist to it…
I met someone new on a site called fetlife.com. Fetlife is a BDSM lifestyle site where people like me get to meet other people like me. I had been on this site for over 5 years when I decided to finally leave the site. To leave the site you have to log in so when I logged in I found almost 25 inbox messages and I decided to go through all of them (It was such a daunting task) when I came across a message from someone who actually caught my attention. I was so excited.
I sent him an email on the email address he shared and how the conversation went after that is pretty much history. We had our first face to face on Monday and the following story is pretty much how it went.
It was a random Monday and I told Sir I hoped we would meet soon. I was in a constant state of arousal at this point so you can see what I was working with. He randomly suggested we meet that evening and I was elated.
We planned to meet at a place I suggested (which I liked because being a woman concern for my own safety is paramount) and that was probably the best first date I have ever had.
I was seated at the poolside of this restaurant I know, am not a fan of discreet corners because am terrified of the dark and creepy crawlies…so I was seated pretty much in the open, when he came in. I saw him from the corner of my eye but I thought it might not be him so I pretended not to notice till I felt him approach me (I might earn a punishment from this). I stood up to greet him and he grabbed me, kissed me, and lifted my dress and all that was going through my mind was everybody behind me was seeing my pussy because I wasn’t wearing panties as per his instructions.
I suggested we move to a more secluded spot. I had scoped out the place when I came earlier. We moved and got settled…I can barely remember what we were talking about because a few minutes after he got comfortable his hands were running up my thighs and his fingers were working my clit into frenzy.
I got comfortable on my seat and let him play with my pussy as I ground myself on his fingers. I was wet and my pussy was aching to be filled but I didn’t want to act like a slut. What is really funny is that I was behaving like a total slut. He had his hand under my dress and I wasn’t stopping him.
When his fingers slid in my pussy, my first reaction was shock and the next was, ’Please stuff me…” And I was balancing myself on the edge of my seat as his fingers fucked me to oblivion. Trying to get his fingers deep inside me yet he was already reaching my cervix. Every lesbian/bisexual and every woman who has slept with a woman can attest to that moment when they are sliding so deep inside you can feel then touch your cervix and G-spot in alternate in moves. It was hot to say the least. I was humping his fingers; using every force I could to keep myself from begging him to fuck me harder…
Want more? I know you do…but you have to ask nicely…Yes, being a Sub means I get my joy ride of being in control elsewhere and this is it.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Who is he? I think of him as Moo

I have a story to tell you... This is one of those stories without a lesson but lots of juicy bits.
Do you remember the guy I told you about? This story is about the first time we had sex on the comfort of a bed.
I got to his house some minutes to 7am, self conscious in a trench coat, a non existent lingerie... You know, the one I wear to stand infront of the mirror and conjure images of all the nasty things my body can do and have done to it? Yes, that one.
I met him right at the gate, trying to relax my nerves enough to just do it. Up the stairs, into the house we went and once inside, I wanted him inside me more than I cared to admit to myself.
I take off my coat and he moves closer. Kissing me with those lips that make me think of summer nights at the beach lying naked on the sand touching myself. The kisses get steamer and his hands get busier. His hands grab my ass and he rubs his hardness against my thigh. My panties are soaked through by the time he rolls them down my thighs.
Am panting, breathless and needy. He pulls me after him and am standing right at the foot of his bed when he takes off the rest of my scanty outfit. He jokes about the lace and I nervously giggle. Am naked infront of him but he still has his t-shirt and shorts on. This is not the time to get self conscious and prudish I chide myself. We are kissing again and off goes the t-shirt followed closely by the shorts. A pile of clothes on the floor and his hardness staring right at me. Well I'll be damned if I don't do something about all this thick, long, hardness.
He pushes me down on the bed and I scoot to create room for him. He goes right for my slickness. His tongue making my knees weak, my throbbing clit caught in soft kisses and am trying my best not to scream the house down. He already told me he likes his women quiet. I wonder if I demand for him to fuck me, will he stop and ask me to leave? But am too distracted with his tongue and lips wreaking havoc on my pussy to give that thought another moment. His fingers are spreading me open and he proceeds to give me the best finger fucking I have had in years. Good Lord, the man fingers like a dyke! Am squirting all over his hand and my pussy just wants more.
Could he be a mind reader? Because he is now on top of me, his hard penis pressing against my opening and he rams right into me. Buried to the hilt I can feel him against the tip of my cervix. My pussy is achingly full of him. Slow strokes... And am right at the tipping point again. I whisper his name... 'Moo' and he knows without having to tell him. He picks up the pace. Hard, fast, deep strokes and am so close... He pulls out and I want to cry but he rubs his tip around my opening and against my clit. I have not a single thought in my head as I squirt all over him. Before I can come down he is deep inside me again, fast strokes, deep strokes and I know he is close. I can feel him try to keep from cumming but right this minute all I want is his cum deep inside me. I want to feel him pump his seed deep inside me. I squeeze his hardness and the shudder passes through him. He tries to hold out but kegels for the win baby, this pussy massage has him over the edge. I feel the first spurt hit my wall and am falling off the edge of this cliff. The second spurt and my pussy creams him. He hold himself still as he empties himself inside me and our moans die down. He pulls himself out and I whimper at the loss. He lies on the bed and I can barely move. This is definitely round one... Am gearing myself up for round 2.

Am lying here next to him, enjoying the dull ache in my pussy. Just thinking about him inside me minutes ago makes me want to touch myself. Am pinching and squeezing my boobs. That need to have him inside me again is real and it threatens to overwhelm my senses.
I leave him in bed and find my bag. Take out a bottle of massage oil all the while thinking to myself I need to keep my hands busy. Crawl back into bed, get on top oh him and tell myself to focus on the oil and not his penis right under my ass already stirring and tempting me to rub myself against him.
Rubbing my hands over his chest makes my pussy drip and with his hardness growing I realize this is an exercise in futility. Instead I slide down his body and wrap my hand around his growing hard on. I want him in my pussy but my mouth is calling dibs. I lick it from the base to the tip, taka the head between my lips and suck. He moans and I know am on the right track. Rolling my tongue around the base of the head, it does a little jump and I suck harder. Pushing him deeper in my mouth until I feel him hit the back of my throat.
Almost forgot I have a gag reflex not to mention he is hung like a horse. With a dick like that, who can blame me for wanting more?
I suck him slowly at first. My pussy wants him so bad. One hand on the base of his penis and the other rubbing my clit, am sucking him like he is the most succulent mango I have ever eaten. I could keep going but I need more...
I pop him out of my mouth, get on top of him and slide him inside me. On top of him, he is so deep inside me I need to pause and catch my breathe. He tries to move under me but I can't let him just yet. I move slowly at first, up and down, adjusting to the girth with every down stroke. Aching for more with every down stroke. I pick up the pace and enjoy how good he feels inside me.
He flips me over and he is on top of me. He fucks me so good I can swear I can see the back of my head. He doesn't relent, he feels me getting closer when he stops, flips me over and am lying on my front. My legs together, he rams right into me. Our moans fill the room, as he fucks me to a point of whimpering and begging. 'Moo... So... Close...' and just like that am over the edge. Forget the squirting. He found my G spot and he has me right where I need to be. All thoughts shut out, only the intensity of his hardness inside me, so full, I can feel him along every Inch of my walls. I can't stop cumming even if I tried and at this point I don't want to try. This feels so good.
I have barely come down and he spreads my legs. I turn around to see him watching himself fucking me. That look on his face has me wishing I could see his view. He picks up the pace and throws his head back. Watching him in the throes of passion I can see my wetness on his beard and I want to lick him clean. His strokes are fast and hard and just feeling how close he is to the edge has me racing to catch up with him.
He takes one long look at me and I raise my ass an Inch off the bed and match his strokes. Seeing that look in his eyes, catching him looking at his cock ramming in and out of me has us both tipped over the edge and cumming. Damn!! This man will be the death of me. With every spurt that hits my walls my pussy clenches around him. He pulls out and I whimper, the emptiness..
He lies next to me and strokes my back. Says something about how soft my skin is. I giggle and snuggle closer. He falls asleep with my mouth on his beard trying to clean the remnants of my juices. I sit up and take my time looking at this specimen of a man... His hands, his bare chest, his limp manhood lying on his lap. How I like a man that shaves and this one does. I touch his nipples, suck them and think to myself, now here is a man I could consider keeping, too bad he is already taken. Am almost ready for round 3 but hearing his soft snoring has me thinking I can wait a bit longer.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mr. Licker gets a taste...

It has been weeks now since I first got a taste of this man yet everyday brings a new reason to be intrigued. I hope you are all as enthralled.
Before I go into this us that is not really an us, I would like to just put this out there…If you are an avid reader of my blog, Thank you! I write for you and me dear reader. Am happiest expressing myself in ways that leaves my readers coming (cumming?!?) back for more. If it turns you on to read about my escapades, please feel free to work it and pay it forward but in a responsible way.
That having been said, back to Mr.Licker! 

This soft lipped man that was driving me crazy had me doubting my intelligence when I started pursuing him in earnest. Recently he told me it took him a while to get on my drift but we both agree it happened at the right time. (It was around the time I was coming to terms with the fact that I had finally gotten myself over Mr. hung like a horse but fucks like an ass and I was finally admitting that I have a conscience and cannot fuck anyone in a committed relationship let alone a marriage). I was in a bad place to say the least and temptations were everywhere with all the TLS meetings I was attending at the time. I was working on making me a better version of myself yet failing where it counted; I was frustrated when I realized the woman I knew wanted me (The married one) was losing interest because I was not willing to put out and I had no desire to flirt back (Nothing makes a woman feel challenged like your interests waning). I knew it was over before it even begun but I was also grateful for the bullet I dodged. It was working for me at the time when I chose to talk to her about it. I knew what she would say before she said it but I needed to hear it from the horse’s mouth to let it roll over me. It was after that conversation that Mr. Licker and I got a chance to talk sex. He didn’t know it then (and neither did I really) but I had set my sights on him.
We were standing somewhere in a semi-crowded room when we saw a white girl with legs for days and we both stared. It felt so natural when he said, ‘I would just lick her…she has legs for days.’ If anything, it turned me on more than I cared to admit. We laughed about it. After that, as they say, the rest is history!
History…well, Mr. Licker and I were talking and he reminded me how that night we got to ‘bonding’ I gave him a blowjob. When he said it aloud, it all came rushing back. The memories of his hard dick pushing against my throat as I controlled my gag reflex. He felt amazing in my mouth. He says I would never do justice to describing my blowjobs and I have to say he does have a point. I love giving him head…I like how his dick pops out of my mouth with a pop sound that sends signals to my pussy. I enjoy the things he says when my lips are wrapped around his hard dick. He gets harder when I take him down my throat and I think am in love with that little jump his dick makes when I lick just the head. I can’t do this description justice so I will stop before I get any worse. I give a mean head and that’s all you need to know. (I pointed out that if I hadn’t given him good head he wouldn’t have come back for seconds and he laughed. In hindsight, I was right)
We made plans that following week to fuck and get it out of our systems and we were eager (at least I was, I can only speak for myself). It was a Friday, after working all day and a shitty day at that. So much to do, so little time to do it and I was bouncing off walls to get off. Anyone who knows me would tell you I don’t fuck in my bed and I was not making an exception for him. A hotel was my next option but I had a feeling I would need to be in my element and for that to happen I needed a place that feels like home to avoid getting cold feet and finding reasons to bail (Am chicken and I know it).
I recall being all shy before we got to the house and worrying unnecessarily about matters I could not control like will I be comfortable taking my clothes off for a man who gets to fuck hot college girls. Would I be inadequate in bed? (This particular worry always confounds me. I know am a good lay but my mind just has a way of getting its panties in a bunch). Would I enjoy myself? Would I want more after? How long could I fuck him in one night? Would a night be enough? You get the drift am sure. So yeah, there I was worrying about crap and making myself nervous. We walked in (by then I was ready to blurt out the first excuse that came to mind) and as per my routine I changed into something more comfortable. If memory serves me right, I was in a pair of shorts and a vest. We settled, started on a couple of beers as I rolled up. I knew I was drinking for courage but considering all the butterflies I had, what was expected of me?
We smoked up lying in bed. I was getting comfortable and the kissing and groping was a new feeling especially knowing that this was going to be IT. All the ineptness I felt earlier melted with every second that went by. I was moaning and rubbing myself against him like a bitch in heat but I couldn’t be bothered what he thought of me in that moment. I was horny and I had spent enough time beating around the bush and asking nicely to be fucked until I couldn’t walk. I give him points for not taking too long to address my needs. At this juncture it is safe to assume he wanted to be in me almost as bad as I wanted him in me. One thing led to another and he was soon undressed. That was the first I heard of and saw his ink (yes, the man who wears suits has ink. Did I tell you he wears suits? This just so you know turns me to mush around him. He looks edible as fuck in a suit). Back to the beautiful Valkyrie, the tips of whose wings stop right at one of his erogenous zones. (This man is deeper than he shows was the first thing that came to mind) I was sold after seeing the tattoo.
We stopped making out long enough for me to hear about the ink (I can’t remember that conversation, my mind was consumed with visions of his soft lips around my clit) and for me to admire it half heartedly. There was plenty more time for that after the fact…So, there I was now at ease about what I was about to do. Questioning my sanity for doing it but unafraid to take the leap required of me.  When he took off my shorts and went straight to town, I lost all thought processes. Soft hands holding me in place as his lips and tongue worked over my clit. I was ooohhhing and aaahhhing barely a minute into my carpet being munched. The man has serious TALENT in that department. His lips sucking my clit and his tongue rubbing along my slit was too much to bear. There’s this thing he does with his lips that had my clit jumping with every small contact.I was so close to cumming. All I wanted to do was cream his mouth…when my brain decided it needed to start working again. That little voice reminding me that if I came I would probably drown him and that would lead to me crawling back into my shell so I did what I do best, I squirmed until I had him on top of me and his dick waiting at my entrance.
He thrust into me just as I tasted myself on his lips. The intoxicating and exhilarating feeling of having him fill me: my juices all over his mouth down to his chin, my pussy at first resisting then gradually letting him slide deeper inside me was pushing me to my limits. He was balls deep inside me and I was struggling with the urge to scream the roof down. Thrust after thrust had me holding onto him for dear life. I was being sucked to the bottom of a whirlpool and all I could do was hold on for dear life. With every withdrawal, I would be lifting my ass off the bad trying to get him back inside me. My walls could not help contracting around his hard, hot and filling dick. I was delirious with need. His grunts, moans and commands that I take that Dick were my unraveling. He thrust a couple more times and I felt his dick swell. That telltale swelling that reminded me how badly I wanted him to cream my walls. There I was cumming all over this beautiful cock when he withdrew and came all over my stomach. My arms not letting him go yet until he was spent and I couldn’t do shit with my hands. As soon as he rolled off me, I rubbed him cum into my skin. Why waste good sperm?

 The thirst had been real and well worth the wait. Clearly that was only round one…

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Mr. Licker Chronicles...How it all started cont...

Suspense for who?!?

As far as amazing kissers go, I found the one that we all need to try atleast once in a lifetime. Lips so soft I found myself peeping to confirm it was a man I was kissing ;-)
Did we stop at kissing? I could say yes and disregard that all I wanted at that point was a good hard cock in my mouth (not just any cock mind you) and in another orifice I don’t think it would be safe to say out loud YET!
Leaning into his kisses, his hot breath on my neck were doing nothing for that familiar ache between my thighs and at that point I was willing to throw caution to the wind and rip his clothes off but of course I was not that high. I still had to be civilized, our company had not exactly left the room and I didn’t want to make anyone feel awkward. At this juncture, I was wondering if he wanted to fuck me as bad a s I wanted to fuck him. Did he want to stuff my pussy (I said it!) and call me a dirty little slut or did he want me to take charge and ride him as I called him baby? (when did I become that person that over thinks sex?). I had to know if he was hard for me (in hindsight, did I really expect him to be soft with his hands squeezing my boobs and him grunting?). So I slowly at first and then faster when I experienced no resistance; opened his zipper and slid my hand in to meet this Dick that I hadn’t seen or felt yet. 
That had inhabited my fantasies and dreams so much that I had to sometimes pinch myself to keep from doing something stupid whenever I was in close proximity to him. When I touched it, I swear I almost came. By then my clit was doing a new kind of swing between a throb and a sweet hardening. I was using all my restraint to just touch it and rub along it. My hand squeezing with every up stroke and loosening with every down stroke. His grunts were like fuel to my fire, kissing only seemed to make us lose our breaths and too soon I was rocking on the edge of an orgasm abyss. Trying to hold it in all the while feeling him get thicker and harder, ready to shoot his load too. We were both so close to the end and I was already feeling that twinge of regret at getting to that point before I got a chance to taste him when it happened…His Dick throbbing as he came and his half moans and grunts were too much to handle. I tipped the scales and came tumbling right after him. Riding the waves of my orgasm was such a rush and with him still twitching as he emptied his balls…I was a goner after that. I took my hand out of his pants, covered in his cum, trying to be modest and pretending to think of wiping my hand when I remembered that I hoped he would let me taste him in the near future. I licked my fingers clean. I could see him stifle a moan as I giggled like a 13year old.
Can you imagine that’s all the action I got from him that night?!? I was so disappointed but I assure you, it wasn’t for long…

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Mr. Licker Chronicles…How it all started

I cannot really say that it was a well thought out plan, in fact, it was far from it.
I had been spending a lot of time with people who made it hard to keep my libido in check yet I wanted to screw none of them when I met this charming young stud (yes, I used that word…). Met is not really the appropriate word, we had been seeing each other around. The first time I met him, I considered him cute but way…as in waaaaaaay out of my league.  It was one of those situations that I was sure would amount to nothing and I didn’t want to have one of those its complicated like with the other ass that thought sex was mounting me like a horse and humping till he filled me. That analogy makes me shiver considering how well we started…I digress.

So Mr. Licker Cabinet as we will now refer to him (I sampled the name for a couple of weeks and am now okay with it so you will learn to live with it just as he has too) was going to be a great addition to my little circle of friends. Yes, the ones that change every so often and I have no explanation as to why. He was cool, sweet, knowledgeable (the sapiosexual checked in) and such a gentleman. Chivalry they have been singing has been long dead but here was a man who was sweet enough to remember that he was raised well.
We had to be alone in a car for a couple of hours the first time I got to know more about him. An interesting trip if I may say so, I learned a lot about what he thought of most of the things am passionate about without me seeming creepy. He was also opinionated (that is such a turn on) about some of the issues that we discussed and I knew I was on the right track in forming this friendship...
I had a chance to spend some time with Mr. Licker one night, drinking, getting stoned (yes, he is a fellow stoner - match made in stoner heaven right?!?) and talking about…I seriously can’t remember what. By this time, I had my panties in a bunch about him for two weeks or so, had made perfect wanking material of his voice and I was taking my porn interests to a completely new level. Anyone who knows me, knows that at this point I must have seriously been contemplating fucking him every which way to heaven and booze was providing liquid courage as Mary Jane clouded my judgment (clouded judgment being an excuse for the fact that I had been sexually starved for months?). I was on a roll to say the least. (I have this day saved on my calendar as ‘First taste of Mr. Licker’) I make no apologies for my thirst being real, I wanted some of that and I was going to make it happen.
We chilled, talked; we had company (this was the perfect buffer situation) that rather kept me in check until our company was overtaken by sleep and highness. I state I was sure I was not going to achieve that night.
Am not sure how we started down that long road to success for me. All I remember is kissing him (his lips are so fucking soft)…He is an amazing kisser (am resisting the temptation to derail and rant about some other lousy kissers I have met) and so responsive (yes, a man who whimpers and moans…I swoon as I write this).

This is the point I get annoying and ask, what do you think happened next? Did I sleep with him? (I know am a slut to some degree, but do you really think I went that far?)
For the rest of this story, you will just have to keep up with me.